Homework Change Tonight

We were scheduled to have Vocab WB 17-18 as homework tonight, but I have postponed that until next week.  I announced this in class today but just wanted to reiterate:  No vocab homework tonight.


  • Get Yellow Grade Sheet signed, if you haven’t yet
  • Finish reading chapter 6 of Witch-Hunt, (periods 3-8), if you haven’t already finished it
  • Read and annotate the “Why I Won’t Hire People with Poor Grammar” article


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14 responses to “Homework Change Tonight

  1. Grayson Paulus

    hello 🙂

  2. Anthony Rhee Reynoso

    It’s me Anthony from period 3 and 4. BURRITOS ARE FLUFFY AND I CANNOT RESIST BUT EATING THE SOUL OF THE MANGO. You’re awesome!!!

  3. Conney Frazee

    Thank you for the information about the homework. The blog is very helpful.
    :0) Conney Frazee (Carson’s mom)

  4. Mitchell Gagos

    Hi Ms. Hawksworth. My I borrow, for a short time, Spencer’s copy of Witch Hunt when he is finished with it and has removed all of his annotation post-its?

  5. Mitchell Gagos

    ah….this is Leesa Gagos. I’m not sure why this is posting as being from Mitch. We are such uber-advanced bloggers! right….

  6. Harry Potter fans here’s a riddle for you!
    Your Headmaster had me, when he was young and free
    Years later, he had me a second time around
    You can have just one, but numerous are we
    If I am the wrong one, I can end up on the ground
    If you ask me if I am small, my response would be “yup”
    Be very wary, for I could make you puke
    I am so tiny, many of me can fit in just one cup
    If you want to find me, you can start at Honeydukes
    What am I?

  7. Shivam Mistry

    Here is a riddle for you!!!
    You come up two exactly identical guards, and each of them are guarding one door. One guard is a saint and he always tells the truth. The other guard has to lie every single time, no matter what. One door leads to all the treasure you can have. The other door leads to death. What ONE question would you ask either guard, that would always lead you to the correct door?

  8. May Pagaduan

    I am Jean Pagaduan’s mother. Thank you for having a lovely blog so I can keep up with what Jean is doing.

  9. Trisha Goodrum

    I am Cameron Goodrum’s mom. Thanks for the update!

  10. Cameron Goodrum

    Hi Ms. Hawksworth, it’s me Cameron!

  11. This blog has been so helpful! Thank you so much. I am just loving your class!:)

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